Project details


Description *

1)Design and develop visually appealing and user-friendly websites and landing pages2)Create and implement digital marketing campaigns, including email marketing, social media marketing, and PPC advertising3)Monitor and analyze the performance of digital marketing campaigns and adjust strategies accordingly4)Conduct market research and stay up-to-date with industry trends to inform marketing strategies5)Collaborate with other team members to develop marketing collateral, such as infographics, e-books, and whitepapers6)Manage website content, including updating pages, writing blog posts, and optimizing pages for search engines SEO)7)Monitor website traffic and use analytics tools to track user behavior and identify opportunities for improvement8)Stay up to date with latest technologies Ai technology that help in digital marketing process.

1)Bachelor's degree in Web Design, Marketing, or a related field2)Proven experience as a web designer and digital marketer3)Excellent knowledge of web design principles and best practices4)Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web design technologies5)Experience with content management systems (CMS), such as WordPress or Drupal6)Knowledge of digital marketing channels, including email marketing, social media marketing, and PPC advertising7)Familiarity with marketing analytics tools, such as Google Analytics8)Excellent communication and collaboration skills9)Strong problem-solving and analytical skills10)Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and meet tight deadlines11)Portfolio of previous work demonstrating design and marketing skills

Company trips (include holiday, eating trips and etc)Birthday celebrationProfessional DevelopmentHealth and wellness benefitsLifestyle allowanceEPF and SOCSO benefitsGood working environment

Client info

Web Designer
Account verified
The business account is verified

Work Model


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Project summary

Project Type
Long Term
Budget type
Monthly price
Avg Applies
Posted date
6 months ago